What Is Midbrain?
The Midbrain, also called the mesencephalon, is a region in the brainstem
that is critical in producing orienting movements, species-specific behaviors,
and the perception of pain. All this information is relayed to the brain to
help our pre-frontal cortex make executive decisions.
The Midbrain is divided into two
parts: the sensory component, the tectum (meaning roof) and the motor
structure, the tegmentum (meaning floor). The tectum receives a massive amount
of sensory information from the eyes and ears. The optic nerves send
information to the brain, which causes our head to turn to see the source of a
sound. This is known as orienting movements. On the other end, the tegmentum
largely focuses on how the body will move, function, and react with all the
other bodily senses such as how a person learns to ride hold utensils or how
touching boiling water gives a burning pain.
It is important to make stronger
connections between these two parts of the Midbrain to help a growing child’s
brain development. By creating active nerves in Midbrain, it will link the left
and right brain functions a better balance as well as help children use many
higher levels of the brains functions more fluidly and easily.
Why Midbrain activation is important ?
Midbrain is the instrument that controls the left and the right brain and
creates a pathway to the subconscious. Midbrain activation is the most
intellectual and scientific development that opens a whole new horizon of
hidden potential to a child. Once it is activated, the brain secretes hormones
that induce the left and the right brain development in a balanced way. This is
the most powerful way to develop the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and the
Emotional Quotient (EQ) in a child – a best gift a parent could give!
The science behind this concept of Midbrain Activation is the technique
of optimizing the function of our middle brain, which is the ‘bridge’ between
the left and right brain. Having this ‘bridge’ activated allows for the
retrieval of information between the left and the right brain, which leads to
more efficiency in learning and absorbing information. It also brings out and
strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills,
self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate.
Many of us have heard that we are either left-brained or right-brained
and have capabilities and qualities that define how we learn and gain
knowledge. Midbrain Activation allows the brain to function as a whole, rather
than only utilizing one part of the brain. Most theories suggest that
right-brain dominant individuals are guided by the more emotional, intuitive
right hemisphere while those who are left-brain dominant respond in sequential,
logical ways, guided by the left hemisphere of the brain. Therefore,
individuals who are middle brain oriented can have strong qualities from both
hemispheres. They can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the
right. This is the basic principle behind Midbrain Activation.
Mid brain Activation allows the middle brain act as a control panel for
left and right hemispheres. This activates both parts of the brain and enhances
the capacity and ability to learn.
Process of Midbrain Activation
In order to awaken this part of the brain, it is necessary to stimulate a
hormonal discharge by sending a special vibration. For this scientific
alpha-theta level music are played where apparently only children can receive
these waves effectively. In general, theta and alpha waves belong to babies and
children. Since these waves belong to the subconscious mind babies and children
feel easier to learn something or receive and follow somebody else’s words.
They also have unlimited imagination compared to adults.
During the mid-brain activation, a child learns how to enter the
condition of meditative trans in order to be able to see with eyes closed. Archimedes himself invented a physical theory while he was
relaxing himself, that is, when he immersed his body into the bath tub, where
then the “AHA Phenomenon” rose automatically.
Even Einstein normally played a violin first to let his brain relax and
thus able to invent new inventions in the field of Physics. So, it’s clear now,
relaxed condition will take our brain toward alpha-theta waves where our brain
performs miracles. This is what we called entering a genius condition.